How Do You Balance before Foul Line When Bowling?





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As easy bowling sounds, it comes with a fair share of minor and major complications. I often come across bowlers who mistakenly get their feet over or past the foul line and they just can’t seem to avoid it. So where is the problem? Why does this keep on happening and what can be done to prevent it from happening?

Delivering the bowling ball flawlessly is everything! Once you can do that on repeat without making any mistakes, this is when you enjoy the game to the fullest. So how do you avoid crossing the foul line when bowling? Let me elaborate.

What is foul line in bowling?

Just like many other sports, bowling also has a foul line. It is a line that you can find across the bowling alley separating the approach area from the main bowling lane area. The foul line stretches from gutter to gutter. The foul line extends infinitely to both sides as well as up and down the bowling lane. Because the line separates the bowling lane area, bowlers are not supposed to step over it while bowling.

How does the foul line work in bowling?

So how does that foul line work? Well, the rule is pretty simple. You are not allowed to cross the foul line if you want to successfully throw your bowling ball. Even bowlers who are not aware of this rule can guess that they shouldn’t cross the foul line when bowling. How? In many bowling alleys, you can see that the lanes have a warning— “Do Not Cross Foul Line” written on the lane.

It is considered a foul when a part of a bowler’s body goes beyond or encroaches on the foul line and gets in contact with any part of the lane, bowling ball, or other equipment during or after a ball delivery. The most common kind of foul is bowlers overstepping the foul line, and when they do that it is an obvious foul. When a ball is released and is in action after it is delivered, players should still not cross the foul line in any way.

How do you balance at  your foul line?

One common mistake that bowlers make is that they try to throw the ball faster to hook it more and they pull harder at the bottom of their swing. When they do this, they tend to take a step off of their slide foot to their left foot to gain balance. When you throw the ball and your slide comes forward, you come forward with the ball. This is when you should have your arm and your hand relaxed and smooth. This will allow you to hold your position with your legs at the foul line and stay in a balanced way to finish better.

If necessary, let your bowling hand swing a little while after the ball is released for better balance. Doing this is much better than struggling to hold yourself up from falling face down on the hard lane. I see many bowlers doing this all the time and it is perfectly okay as long as you don’t cross the foul line while the balls are making all the actions.

When should you move away from the foul line in bowling?

Practicing your approach repetitively will prevent you from crossing the foul line. When you practice, you should keep an eye on your feet. To stay safe, you should keep at least 2 inches of distance from the foul line. If you consistently slide too close to the line, your chances of making a foul are higher.

Hence, keeping a little distance will solve the problem. After the ball is released from your hand you can move away from the boundary. As long as the ball is not fully out of your fingers, hold the position and make no body movement.

What happens if you cross the foul line in bowling?

So what are the consequences of crossing the foul line? When you roll and finish your ball throw by stepping over the bowling foul line on an adjacent lane, it is a clear foul. Generally, bowlers make a bowl by stepping over the line and that’s the most common type of foul in bowling.

When you make a foul, it is not a canceled ball throw. The delivery counts. However, the number of pins you knock down won’t contribute to your score on that foul delivery. It will be counted as a shot with 0 score. After your first foul, the pins will be reset for your next ball throw and you can just bowl as before. But if you make a second foul your turn will be over.

So what happens when your hand or other parts of the body crosses the line, but not touching the lane? It won’t be registered as a foul as long as they don’t touch the oily part of the bowling alley which includes the gutters, lanes, walls, and pillars that are past the foul line. However, if any of your belongings or other objects like coins, pens, buttons, jewelry, etc fall past the line from your body or clothing, it is not considered a foul. If this happens to you, don’t get scared. After the ball is rolled all the way and the pins are knocked down, ask for permission to get your items back by crossing the foul line.

What happens if you cross the foul line on your delivery?

If you ever face a situation where you have noticed you just stepped on the foul line and acknowledge your mistake during your ball throw and stop yourself from throwing the ball on the lane, it is not a foul. As long as you hold onto your bowling ball, it won’t be counted as a foul even though you have stepped on the foul line. 


So there you go, folks! Now you are a bit smarter. The foul line is one of the most important factors that you should always keep in mind while bowling. Although after years of practice this will be the least of your concern as you will hardly ever make the mistake of crossing the foul line on the lane. To avoid the mistake, keep on practicing and you will never cross the foul line. So, good luck and see you later, my friends.

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