What are Frame Rules and Number in Bowling Game





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Do you know every rule and regulation regarding your favorite sport? Bowling looks pretty simple, but it has certain rules that you need to follow carefully. Frame rules and number in bowling game is one of the most important matters that you should know about even before you start rolling your first bowling shot.

So what are frames? What it has to do with bowling? If you are not aware of bowling frame rules yet, give this article a go and you will see how paramount it is to learn about this topic. So, stay tuned if you want to achieve your full potential in bowling.

What are frames called in bowling?

In a game of bowling, a bowler gets multiple chances to throw their bowling ball. A single turn is called a frame in bowling. Each turn has two rolls (if needed), except the final turn which can be a max of three. So when bowlers talk about bowling, they use the term “frames” instead of turns.

How many frames are in a game of bowling?

So how many turns a bowler gets in a single game of bowling? Well, there are exactly 10 frames. If you can score a strike, you don’t need the other chance in the same frame to roll your ball. If you fail to get all 10 pins on your first throw, you are gonna need another ball throw to get the remaining pins. 

Are there extra frames in bowling?

As mentioned, a bowler gets to play ten frames in a single game, with a maximum of two throws on each frame. There is no extra frame. However, on the very last frame, the bowler gets an extra ball throw. But they don’t just let you roll the third ball throw for no reason. The rule is only applicable when you can successfully roll a strike or can secure a spare using the first two ball throws. 

How many bowls are in a frame?

There can be a maximum of two bowls in a single frame. And, if you can secure a strike or spare on the very last frame, then you get an additional ball throw to close the game.

How long does a frame of bowling take?

Generally, an entire game of bowling lasts 10-15 minutes. So a single frame should take about 1 to 1.5 minutes. If it is a single throw in a frame, it can take less than one minute. If you are to throw your ball twice in a frame, the frame can be 1.5 minutes long.


You can never know too much about bowling. There are always new things to learn and work on. Frame rules and numbers in bowling game is an important topics to be aware of. So if you didn’t know about these before, well, now you do! You can also get your answer about open frame and closed frame in my another article. If you have any more questions on your mind, get in touch with me. I will try to answer all of your questions. Till then, good luck and keep on bowling, my fellow bowlers! See ya later!

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