Can You Bowl With Long Nails Or Acrylic?[A Simple Solution In 2024]




Bowling with Long Nails


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Can you bowl with long nails? Do you happen to love your long nails? Have you recently got your nails done or naturally grown them long? If you’re someone who has long nails and also loves bowling, can you bowl with long nails? I am here to answer all of your questions! There are quite a few ways you can successfully bowl in long nails without breaking any of them. Yes, you read it right! So how can you play with your beautiful long nails and save yourself from this trouble? Let me elaborate.

So do you need to cut your nails before going bowling? Not necessarily! Does that mean you can just keep them long and still bowl just fine? Of course, you can! But there are a few methods that you need to follow to keep your nails nice and safe so it doesn’t break, chip, or crack.

If you bowl with your long nails, you might even injure yourself badly. Worst case scenario, your nails may break from your nail beds. Ouch! I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy! The injury can be so serious that it will make you go to the emergency room straight from the bowling center.

Bowling with Long Nails

How to Bowl With Long or Acrylic Nails Without Breaking Them?

Yes, you can always cut your nails short before your game night. But what if I say you don’t need to do that? As I have mentioned earlier that there are a few techniques you need to follow if you want to save your long nails. So how do you do that?

The Granny Bowling Style:

If you’re willing to sacrifice your bowling style for the sake of your perfect manicure, then time to practice bowling in this method. The Granny style allows you to keep your fingers out of the bowling ball holes. Just hold your bowling balls with both of your hands, and approach the lane as you usually do. Now, spread your legs and bend your knees and get in a squat position. All you have to do now is swing the ball between your legs and let the bowling ball roll down the lane. This method is not for everyone though. If you think you cannot give up your current bowling style, there are other options you can choose.

Short Nails:

Whether you can put your nails in bowling ball holes or not depends on the length of your nails. If your nails are long or extra long, chances are you won’t be able to fit your fingers inside. If you would love to have pretty nails and still bowl the way you want to, go for short or medium-short manicure options. Easy!

Wider Finger Holes:

Long nails are not as flexible as our fingertips. The way your fingers get out of the holes during release is very important. Any wrong move, and you’ll end up with serious injuries. Let’s not forget how painful that can be! So a safer option is to play with a ball with wider finger holes. It won’t make your fingers stuck and so, your fingertips and nails will get out of the ball easily. However, there is a downside to this method. The wide the holes, the heavier the bowling balls. So do check if you can handle the extra weight or not.

How to protect nails when bowling?

What if following these abovementioned techniques is not enough for you? Well, there’s no harm in adding some extra protection, is there? Nail protective products can save your beautiful nails from chipping, breaking, and cracking.

1. Nail Savers:

Although they are originally used for protecting your nails from UV rays during your tanning sessions, you can also put them on for bowling. You don’t have to put them on all of your nails though. Just stick them to the ones you will use for bowling.

2. Finger Cots:

Finger cots are used for various purposes. You can put them on while chopping some fruits and veggies, and also protect your gloves from tearing near the nails. The good news is that you can even use it for bowling. I personally believe they do an amazing job protecting the big nails during intense game play.

Finger cots can either be made of wool or latex. If I were you, I would avoid the latex ones as they may disrupt your fingers from getting out of the holes easily. Therefore, get yourself the one that has breathable materials. They won’t create any issues.

3. Protective Tapes:

If you think that the Nail savers and the Finger cots will be a bit too thick for you, you can use the protective tapes to save your beauties. These are mainly used after a finger injury takes place. Meaning, if you already have cuts, blisters, or a broken nail, this tape is a big help during the healing process. You can get this for yourself to save that cute manicure and still have the full freedom to bowl the way you want!

What to do when nails break while bowling?

If you’re bowling with your long nails and one of them accidentally breaks, what will you do? First thing first, evaluate the level of injury you have incurred. Do check how bad it is. If it breaks from the outer part of your finger beds, well, you’re lucky. All you gotta do is re-do your manicure.

But what if it breaks from the middle right over the finger beds? Well, that’s gonna be really painful, not gonna lie! As it will hurt a lot, you should stop playing immediately. Ask the bowling alley to provide you with a first aid kit. Use a cotton bandage to wrap it around your finger with a broken nail and go to the emergency room as soon as possible. Do not put any pressure on that finger and make sure you’re holding your finger with another hand to prevent further hurting your nail.

FAQs Of Can You Bowl With Long Nails!

Can I bowl with long acrylic or artificial nails?

  • Bowling with long acrylic or artificial nails is possible, but it can be challenging. These long nails may affect your grip on the ball and can lead to a less consistent release.

Are long natural nails better for bowling?

  • While natural nails might be more flexible and less rigid than artificial nails, extremely long natural nails can still pose difficulties in maintaining a proper grip and releasing the ball effectively.

Do long nails affect my bowling accuracy?

  • Yes, long nails can affect your bowling accuracy. They can make it difficult to have a consistent and controlled release of the ball, which can lead to erratic shots.

Can I use finger inserts to accommodate long nails?

  • Finger inserts in a bowling ball can help accommodate long nails to some extent, but it may still be challenging to maintain a consistent grip with very long nails.

Should I trim my nails before bowling?

  • Trimming your nails to a reasonable length before bowling is advisable. Shorter nails can provide a better grip on the ball and help you maintain control and accuracy during your throws.

What can I do to protect my nails while bowling?

  • If you want to protect your nails while bowling, consider wearing protective gloves or finger tape. These can help minimize the risk of damaging your nails during the game.

Can I use nail extensions or tips for bowling?

  • Nail extensions or tips can be used for bowling, but they should be kept at a manageable length to ensure a proper grip on the ball.

Are there any rules against long nails in bowling leagues or competitions?

  • Some bowling leagues and competitions may have rules or regulations regarding nail length. It’s essential to check with the specific league or event organizers to ensure compliance.

How can I maintain my nails and still enjoy bowling?

  • To enjoy bowling with longer nails, consider keeping them at a length that allows you to maintain a secure grip on the ball. Regularly maintaining and shaping your nails can help strike a balance between nail care and bowling performance.

Can I get a professional opinion on my nail length for bowling?

  • If you’re unsure about the appropriate nail length for bowling, you can consult with a professional nail technician or coach who can provide guidance based on your specific situation and needs.


So, there you have it, my fellow bowlers! Long nails are not the obstacles you think they are. If you take proper measurements, you can bowl just the way you did before and now with pretty nails on your fingers. How cool is that! So cheers and keep on bowling!

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