How to Improve Your Balance in Bowling?




Improve balance in bowling


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Do you want to achieve your full potential in bowling? Then you should learn about the ins and outs of balance precisely. Balance in bowling is one of the factors that need to be addressed for every bowler. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the balance in bowling. “Balance” is a word that we all use.

So most of us have a good general sense regarding its meaning. However, there are many bowlers who rarely consider balance as an important factor and what it takes to achieve proper balance. So are you someone who finally acknowledged what is balance? Are you now interested to know how to improve your balance in bowling? Well, then, stay tuned!

Why is balance important for bowling?

Bowling isn’t just ball lifting and rolling it down the lane. To bowl successfully, you have to learn to control your body and coordinate all the movements carefully. Everybody’s movements matter when you bowl. Even when you make a subtle change in your physical posture and technique, it can impact your game significantly.

Hence, you need balance in your game. The game of bowling is greatly dependent on the bowler, but it is mainly all about the bowler’s controlled energy and consistency. This is why balance is so prioritized and is considered one of the most important elements that you can’t just ignore. When your center of gravity is off during stance and your ball throw, it immediately changes the ball trajectory, and you end up with disastrous results. Don’t want to face that? Then, I guess, you can understand how important it is to have balance in your game.

What causes falling off your shot?

Well, since we are on this topic, one of the common reasons bowlers fall off their shots is lack of balance. It is an athletic ability that is grouped with motor ability. So what makes them lack this balance? What is it that’s missing? Allow me to explain to you.

1. Center of gravity

We have learned before what is the center of gravity of a bowling ball. Just like bowling balls, every object has its own center of gravity. So, no, we are not here to discuss the core of a bowling ball. We will talk about the center of gravity of bowlers. According to physics, the closer a center gets to the base of support, the easier it gets to attain balance. Male players usually have their center of gravity a little higher, whereas female bowlers have theirs a little lower. When bowling, every bowler needs to stretch their arms to move their COG. This is what will prevent bowlers from falling over. Due to no adjustment, bowlers fall off their shots.

2. Base of support

So what is the base of support? Well, it is the part of any object that is touching the ground. Generally, when an object’s base of support is pretty large, balancing gets easier. The same is applicable to a person. When bowlers are playing, the base of support is usually their feet. However, it can also be one or both of their hands. When the base of support is smaller, you fall off from your bowling shots.

3. Timing at the Ball Release

Timing is a big deal when it comes to bowling. Getting your hand out of the ball and not injuring yourself at the same time is a good practice of balance. There are so many things involved with balance in bowling. Proper timing of ball release is indeed what keeps your shot from falling off.

4. Posture

If you have poor body posture, you’re more likely to lose balance and jeopardize your shot. Posture is important when you’re sitting, walking, running, exercising, and so on. Just like that a good body posture is important when you are bowling. Leg movements, steps, arm swing, knee bent, your hip, and waist— everything should be in the right posture to carry that heavy bowling ball and release it on time on the lane.

5. Wrong Shoes Selection

You have no idea how a pair of wrong shoes can make you lose your balance unless you have already experienced it yourself. Wasn’t a fun experience, was it? Shoes without the right amount of grip and slide can completely make you lose your balance when you are about to slide and release the ball.

So, yes, these are some of the major causes for your bowling shots to get fall off.

How to improve your balance?

There are several ways you can improve your balance in bowling. I can give you 10 physical tips on how you can work on your balance in bowling and of course, get better with time.

Concentrate on your approach

Improving balance during the approach in bowling is crucial for maintaining control and accuracy in your throw. Here are some tips to help you focus on improving your balance:

  1. Mindful Footwork: Pay attention to each step of your approach and make sure to keep some bend in your knees during each stride. By flexing your knees, you create a stable base and better weight distribution, enhancing your overall balance.
  2. Engage Core Muscles: Your core muscles play a significant role in maintaining balance. Keep your abdominal muscles engaged throughout the approach to provide stability and support to your upper body.
  3. Controlled Upper Body Movement: Minimize unnecessary movement in your upper body, including your arms, shoulders, and head. Excessive swinging or jerking can throw off your balance. Focus on keeping your head still, eyes forward, and maintain a consistent posture throughout the throw.
  4. Visualize Your Target: Concentrate on your target, whether it’s a specific pin or a spot on the lane. Visualize hitting that target and maintain your focus on it throughout the approach. This mental focus helps to stabilize your body and improves your overall balance.
  5. Practice Balance Drills: Incorporate specific balance drills into your practice routine. These exercises can include standing on one leg for a period of time or performing lunges with a focus on maintaining stability. By regularly practicing these drills, you can improve your overall balance and transfer that stability into your bowling approach.

Remember, improving balance takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and continue to work on these techniques consistently. Over time, you will notice an improvement in your balance, leading to more consistent and accurate throws in bowling.

Balance Your Other Body Parts aligning with Your footwork

1. Set-Up

The first thing to do is flex your knees. When you do that lean your upper body a little forward on the approach. Let’s say about 10 to 15° forward tilt right at the address position.

2. Knee Flex

Now, let’s focus more on your knee flex. During this step, try to maintain 1-3″ of knee flex. Keep that going throughout your approach at every step. This will enable your big leg muscles to support your entire body weight (including the ball weight) and to produce power when you release your bowling ball.

3. Body

Make sure you don’t move your upper body too much, not if you need to. Keep that in mind when you walk toward the foul line. Remember to not cross the foul line while you’re there.

4. Head

Here comes an interesting fact. You are not supposed to move your head too much during bowling. Yes, your eyes will move a lot for target setting and alignment. But your head should be as motionless as possible during your entire. Maintain a steady head from your approach till you release the bowling ball. This will eventually lead to good balance.

5. Sliding Leg

Sliding your leg smoothly is a big part of bowling. Many bowlers fail to keep their balance when they slide their legs. Not only it ruins your shots but also is very injurious to your health. So to keep your balance top-notch, make sure that the leg you’re gonna slide has enough knee flex. This is important to support the entire body weight as you slide into the line.

6. Sliding Shoe

Since you will be wearing shoes, and won’t be able to watch your feet, you have to keep an eye on the top of your shoes. So when you slide, make sure the sliding bowling shoe is properly aligned with the lane boards. Right when you are performing the slide, keep an eye on your stability as the ball gets out of your fingers.

7. Balance Leg

So when you slide with one leg, what do the other feet do? Well, it’s your balance leg and it does a lot more than you think. It gets out of the way of your sliding feet and goes in the opposite direction of your bowling arm. After you’re done taking your steps and begin your sliding stage, your balance-leg shoe should stay in contact with the floor. Not only this will stabilize your body, but also counter the ball’s momentum that is built by swinging it at a certain speed on the opposite side of your body.

8. Shoulders

Next, I will talk about shoulders! They have a very big role in the overall ball motion. When you’re processing to get your ball delivered, your shoulders have to remain in a line exactly over the sliding leg’s kneecap. Do not press it forward and let it go ahead of your knee. If you can align your shoulders properly, most of your body weight will create the center of gravity over your sliding leg. Naturally, you will keep your upper body stable when releasing the ball.

9. Focus

Focus is by far the biggest factor. If you set your eyes on the right point, your body will do the rest naturally. When you bowl, your eyes should be on the target the entire time and your head should be motionless during you release the ball and after it leaves your bowling hand to travel to your target. While you’re working on your target, keep your chin at shoulder level (or above your shoulder). Doing this will prevent you from sudden body weight shift injury as well as proper balance.

10. Follow through

Many bowlers, after releasing the ball successfully, lose their balance in the very last stage which is the follow-through. To keep your balance intact, wait for the follow-through motion to complete during the ball swing. For that, hold your body movement and form for a brief moment, or just wait till the ball reaches the target on the lane. Keep yourself steady and as motionless as possible. Just pretend you are being photographed for your good form.


There are so many unique ways bowlers can bowl. But there is always one thing that should be common— the balance. Once you achieve balance successfully, there is no stopping you. On top of that, it will improve your overall performance as well as your bowling score. So if you think your balance is a bit weak, time to improve it now. The sooner, the better. Once you improve it, use that to bowl better. I have given you some basic guidelines, the rest is up to you. So good luck and see you later, my fellow bowlers!

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